
Videos with Ibrahim Tamditi and Larissa Maria Nechita 2021

10 January 2022
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video 1: Michèle takes a selfie in the mirror with Ibrahim & Laryssa in the background. They perform the 3 basic salsa steps 100% correctly, and therefore Michèle briefly removes her mask to show a big smile, mirroring the smiling faces of Ibrahim & Laryssa. 

video 2: Ibrahim does a pas atras and laughs. He explains to Michèle what the French term for perpendicular – "haaks" – means.

video 3: Ibrahim stands directly across from Laryssa and holds both of her hands in front of him. He uses her palms to explain the steps for enchoufla. This is an inward turn with a movement of the dance partners. Laryssa is completely focused. 

video 4: Ibrahim has understood the figure and explains it to Laryssa.