
We won the "VDK Grand Prix 2024"

 29 July 2024

Each year, VDK Bank organizes an award for the warmest and most inclusive initiatives at the Gentse Feesten. In 2023, they awarded the Grand Prix VDK Bank to vzw Dokano, and in 2024, we were the winners.
Stefan from visited Sofie De Keyser, the spokesperson for VDK Bank, and the jury took its task very seriously, ultimately reaching a unanimous decision.
Etage Tropical Productions (now DanceOrientation) is the laureate of the second edition of the Grand Prix VDK Bank. Congratulations! 

We are extremely pleased with this award.
1. Because we were among 4 other top initiatives.
2. Because we received a cash prize of 250 euros, which we will use to distribute dance boards.
3. Because we gained extra attention for our organization. 

Additionally, we also received an extensive podcast from, which took the time to thoroughly highlight our activities. With this podcast, we feel we can explain who we are, how we started, and where we aim to go. 

You can listen to the full podcast via our YouTube channel, but we’ve also included it in this article, along with the award ceremony.

VDK Bank, a big thank you!


Image Description

Photo 1: Michèle is holding a large check with the VDK Bank logo and an amount of 250 euros written on it. 

Photo 2: Michèle is sitting behind the microphone in the radio studio, along with the Alderman for Civil Affairs and Protocol, Isabelle Heyndrickx, and Stefan Smet, also pictured. 

Photo 3: Michèle and the Alderman for Civil Affairs and Protocol, Isabelle Heyndrickx. 

Photo 4: Group photo in front of the entrance to the Minard Theatre: Laure, Manuel and his guide dog Dajoor, Michèle, Stefan, and Laura from

Photo 1: Michèle poses with the VDK Bank check Photo 2: On-air photo during the Buck FM broadcast Photo 2: On-air photo during the Buck FM broadcast Photo 2: On-air photo during the Buck FM broadcast